Dr. Skerpan: Yes, we can talk about the bone--but there is not just "bone" involved in the "periodontal" aspect of dentistry. Let's break it down and OVER-SIMPLIFY concepts for clarification of the bigger picture. Believe me, these concepts will be important for a better understanding of TOOTH-BRUSHING which will be a topic of a future blog. Basically, the word "periodontal" can be broken into PERIO and DONTAL. The Greek prefix "PERI" (or "PERIO") refers to "around" (or "surrounding")--- "DONTAL" (or "ODONTAL") refers to involving the "tooth" itself. So the simplest definition of PERIO-DONTAL would be "around (or surrounding) the tooth"--- which actually refers to the structures involved in "surrounding the tooth". MUSCLES: ' When I look in my mouth, I see the "crowns" of my teeth and I know that their roots are below the gum-line. But I'm still not sure where the "bone" comes in. Is the "bone" the only structure important "around the tooth"? '
MUSCLES: ' Let me do a simple "doggy-summary" about what I understand so far. The word PERIO-DONTAL essentially refers to the supporting structures involved "around (or surrounding) the tooth". The TOOTH must be surrounded by healthy-BONE AND healthy-GUM to be of any use for functioning. The TOOTH "stands" in a BONE-socket which makes it solid and rigid, but the TOOTH and BONE must be connected, stabilized and protected from the outside "mouth-environment". That's where all the gum and connecting fibers come in! But more on this topic in the next dental-blog.'