Dr Skerpan: Before we speak about tooth-brushing (which is only part of some- one 's home-care routine), one should understand the importance of Dental IQ. The Dental IQ is defined as how well a patient cares to listen and understand about their mouth-health and needs--as well as their compliance outside their dental appointments! "THINKING" you know without listening and learning is FOOLISHNESS, especially if a dental-professional has cared enough to explain your specific personal mouth-needs. Even "KNOWING" facts is USELESS if not carried out with the correct actions. Generally--the more truthful, attentive, diligent and compliant the person, the higher the Dental IQ. And generally the higher the Dental IQ, the healthier the mouth for it's role in the body. No, it's never too late to get serious about a healthier mouth!
MUSCLES: ' "Hot-Diggity-D....."!! I got it! And I'll run with it the best I can! Reviewing my notes, we will discuss commonsense oral-care in the May 2018 dental-blogging (including tooth-brushing). But for now, I see that your notes explain the D.O.G.G.Y. acronym as--" 5 beginning basic-concepts necessary for for a better Dental IQ". Let me point them out as I understand them..... ' ****D.O.G.G.Y.**** D. ON'T think & assume you can tell when there is a dental problem! Generally, you can't tell a problem exists until there are symp- toms. If you are aware of something, there is a good chance it was foreseeable & had been "brewing". A problem does not go away on it's own--it can even silently compound over time. The mouth is EVER-changing! O. RAL-CARE for your particular mouth- condition should be tailored to you. There is no "one-size-fits-all" hygiene routine. To do the right thing, you need to know what the right thing is to do. CARE TO KNOW!! Seriously listen, learn & engage! Be honest with diligent compliance & follow-throughs. FOCUS & DON'T GET MINDLESS with your personal dental-needs & routine--or you'll be cheating and fooling with your own medical health! Remember.... ORAL-CARE is for ORAL-HEALTH! ORAL-HEALTH is for BODY-HEALTH! G. et a soft-small-headed toothbrush for starters. The basic commonsense will be the same for a manual or an electric. (More about general commonsense-tooth-brushing in May 2018 blogging).
Y. ou & Your dental-professional should work together on your particular life-time dental-journey. Obviously, knowable presenting issues should be attended to, but one should also keep ahead of foreseeable ones if possible. "Looking-the-other-way" or "hoping-for-the-best" often leads the dental-journey off-path and down-hill. Yes--careful Treatment-planning and careful Dentistry- techniques should be attended to patiently & diligently--but also, there should be careful attention given to routine Maintenance and Home-hygiene as the mouth changes with use, habits and aging! It takes the team of dental-professional and patient to persevere together--and to see the mouth-health thru' for the long-term!