To also review from the last blog---as long as there is no infection remaining in TOOTH OR BONE, with "endo-dontic" treatment the tooth still can function in and with the bone! The tooth's external root surface continues to interact with it's surrounding healthy "PERIO- DONTAL STRUCTURES"--AND the TOOTH-to-BONE relationship survives!! IN GENERAL AND IF POSSIBLE, "endo-dontic" treatment is the more conservative and healthier choice over an extraction in most cases. Previously we had discussed the importance of the teeth for oral-chewing & speaking, as well as for the bone's survival and function! "Endo-dontic" treatment serves to "rescue" the tooth from extraction for survival of the dental-bone, oral-functioning, facial-structure AND overall body-health! MUSCLES: 'Got it so far! The Basic Nitty-Gritties on the treatment itself please!!'
Each tooth has it's unique anatomy depending on it's location and formation in the mouth. Generally, the number of main root-canals vary from 1 to 4 canals depend- ing on whether the tooth is located towards the front or back of the mouth (altho' these numbers commonly vary). To add to the challenge of every tooth, each main canal is unique in it's shape, width & length. Often the root-canals are not easily accessible--and rarely are they straight in shape and may be very narrow. In addi- tion, the tooth itself may be difficult to access depending on it's location & position.
Importantly and in general, the success of "endo-dontic" treatment requires that all main root-canals be carefully & fully cleaned of all debris in full-length, width & shape. Each cleaned canal-space should be filled & sealed of any voids---and the opening of the root's apex to the bone must be sealed. In the two previous dental blogs, we had discussed WHY the tooth's pulp "dies-off" AND WHY "endo-dontic" treatment allows a nonvital tooth to continue functioning. In this dental blog we discussed the basics of HOW "endo-dontic" treatment is ac- complished. The Nitty-Gritties for a successful treatment comes down to 4 Steps: location of ALL main root-canals--carefully & fully cleaning ALL dead-pulp-debris from the pulp-chamber & ALL main root-canals--filling ALL canal-spaces where the pulp-tissue used to be--AND sealing ALL the root apex-openings to the bone. With the treatment completed, the "inside-of-the-tooth" and the jaw-bone have no remaining dead-pulp-debris or infection to "feed" from anymore. Any previous in- fection or abscess will resolve with all dead-pulp-debris removed and the canal- spaces filled & sealed to the root's apex. Internally the tooth is "dead", with no living-functioning-pulp connected at the apex with the bone anymore. The whole tooth becomes brittle, but everything has become "infection-free" again---AND the external tooth relationship to the bone remains "alive"!! It's as if the tooth serves as a "cleaned-up-place-holder" within the bone--and the external TOOTH- to-BONE relationship can continue to function and "carry-on"!!! If the tooth is a candidate for "endo-dontic" treatment, it can be "rescued" from extraction with careful attention to and execution of the "endo-dontic" Nitty-Gritties!!